Course Description

This is the introductory module of our main course, "Break Free of the Page" also available here on Thinkific.

Here we focus on reading a lead sheet, understanding chord notation and variations, and how to build bridges between verses.

If you like this, you are going to love our full program, where you will go right from learning variations on the chords, to making incredible accompaniment patterns, to creating intros, breaks and extros for verses of your favorite songs.

I'm happy to answer any questions you might have about this or any of our other courses. Write to me at [email protected]

Enjoy Breaking Free of the Page!


Kate Kunkel

Whether you are an absolute beginner or have 20 years of harping to your credit, there is always something to learn about our beautful instrument.In the courses offered here, I aim to help you nurture your muse, imrove your skills and gain the confidence that will make playing harp as rewarding and joyful for you as it is for me. As I develop more material, or find more information that can help you, I will add to these courses, which I hope you will use as an ongoing resource in the lifelong journey that is harping!

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Introductory Module for Break Free of the Page

    • Reading a lead sheet and improvising on the Key of C

    • Early One Morning Root Chords

    • Early One Morning Chord Variations/Inversions

Go All the Way and Truly.... Break Free of the Page!

  • $199.00

    $199.00Break Free of the Page

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